There was a number of schools that impressed me due to their program and facilities. For example, Mount Sinai had the best view of any school, the Central Park. Their anatomy lab faces the Central Park and is an impressive site. The location is nice too, and the living cost is reasonable ($800.00) for a shared apartment, which is great for NYC. Ohio State impressed me with their Asian and

1. Go to every interview!
Even if you have an acceptance somewhere don't become complacent. Give yourself as many options as possible; you spent all that time studying and applying, interviewing is the fun part. Personally, there were schools that I thought I would not like at all, but was very impressed when I was actually there.
2. If you can avoid hotel stay, do so.
It is sometimes tough, but I did one red-eye and it worked out well for me.
3. Carry-on luggage only (or at least put your suit in there).
I was at Philly and was waiting for my luggage for an hour, only to find out that I was at the wrong luggage place. Thankfully I got my luggage, but I was getting ready to attend the two interviews in jeans and a smelly t-shirt.
4. The two interview questions I encountered most:
a. Why do you want to go to this school?
b. What are your three (3) strengths and three (3) weaknesses?
5. How you feel about the interview does not necessarily predict the outcome.
At the beginning I naturally felt that a positive interview would somehow result in an admission letter. But this is not the case; I was at an interview that I thought went terrible and yet I got what I wanted.
At this point I am still unsure as to where I will go next year, but I will keep you posted.
Central Park Image: www.edsphotoblog.com
Beach Image: http://www.siestakeyassociation.com/Images/siestakeybeach.jpg
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